The AJR provides social and welfare services to Holocaust refugees and survivors in the United Kingdom. Our team of experienced social and care workers are dedicated to the daily needs of our members. As part of their nationwide programme of home visits, social care workers assess members’ needs and, where appropriate, eligibility for a number of financial support schemes, designed to enable members to continue to live with dignity, comfort and security in their own homes for as long as possible.

On behalf of the Claims Conference the AJR administers emergency social, welfare and care funds which can be used to pay for a number of services and essential items including dental treatment and specialist clothing as well as urgent house repairs, recuperative convalescence and respite breaks. The largest proportion of these funds are used to support the Homecare programme.

AJR’s Social Services department is dedicated to the daily needs of members who require support and guidance on a wide range of social welfare and care requirements. The department comprises of Nicole Valens, Head of Social Services, along with 15 qualified social workers, an experienced social care workers and three administrators. We serve the needs of Holocaust survivors, refugees and their dependents including spouses and second generation members across the whole of the UK.

The department receives requests to help clients from a wide variety of sources including local authorities, Synagogues and other Jewish organisations. Client confidentiality is paramount and once a client agrees to a visit, we will assess their needs and eligibility for a number of financial support schemes to help improve their lives. Besides providing professional social work support, we are skilled and knowledgeable about the emotional issues affecting victims of Nazi persecution and their dependents. Our clients receive on-going support and we strive to help them to continue to live with dignity in their own homes for as long as possible. We are dedicated to support members who are socially isolated and provide them with information regarding local activities and services.

AJR’s Social Services department prides itself on its ability to offer a warm, friendly and supportive service to all our members. To speak in confidence to a social worker please call us on 020 8385 3070.  Read more  about one of AJR’s social workers.

As part of the process to assist our members our social workers complete the following forms:

Assessment Pack

Diagnostic Assessment Form

Income & Expenditure Form