A special interest group of the AJR, the Kindertransport represent the children who fled Nazi-controlled Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia between 1938 and 1939 and prior to the start of the Second World War.

The Kindertransport management arrange regular activities and outings and members receive the quarterly KT Newsletter. For more details about the activities of the Kindertransport please contact

Remembering & Rethinking: The International Forum on the Kindertransport at 80
Marking the 80th anniversary year of the Kindertransport, more than 200 people took part in Remembering & Rethinking: The international forum on the Kindertransport at 80, on 15th and 16th April 2019 at Lancaster House in London. This landmark event was organised by the AJR and co-hosted by the UK special Envoy for Post-Holocaust Issues, The Rt Hon. The Lord Pickles. Sponsors included the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), and the embassies of Austria and Germany. Read more about the international forum here.

Kinder Lunches
Kinder Lunches are held at Alyth Synagogue, Alyth Gardens, London NW11 7EN. For catering purposes, we will need to know in advance if you plan to attend, so please let Susan Harrod know if you can come along by emailing her at or by calling 020 8385 3070

Kindertransport Survey Making New Lives in Britain completed
A unique survey entitled making New Lives in Britain has recorded the Continental background, journey to Britain, reception and subsequent experiences of 1,025 (some 11%) of the almost 10,000 predominantly Jewish children of the Kindertransport. The survey was conceived and its contents designed by leading members of the AJR's Kindertransport special interest group.

View Kindertransport survey

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