The AJR employs a team of 13 experienced social and care workers who are dedicated to the daily needs of our members requiring support and guidance on a wide range of social, welfare and care requirements. Their clients include AJR members who fled to the UK as refugees, many of whom came on their own as young children via the Kindertransport, plus members who somehow managed to survive the various camps. The team also provide support to spouses, and second generation members whose Holocaust family history has an ongoing effect on their own lives. AJR social workers visit clients on an as needed basis; some require monthly visits whilst others may only be visited once or twice a year, for assistance with life certificates and to review and update assessments.

As part of their nationwide programme of home visits, social care workers assess members needs and, where appropriate, eligibility for a number of financial support schemes, designed to enable members to continue to live with dignity in their own homes for as long as possible. AJR’s team of social workers cover the whole of the UK and when visiting members who are socially isolated they provide information regarding local activities and services, make referrals to the AJR volunteer befriender service and to the SPF Connect computer scheme. To speak in confidence to a social worker please call us on 020 8385 3070.
Read more about one of AJR’s social workers. Click Here

Self-Aid is allocated at the discretion of AJR Trustees to assist AJR members on low incomes and / or with limited means. Self-Aid constitutes a monthly grant with additional holiday grants paid at specific times of the year: a winter-fuel payment and awards made to mark certain Jewish festivals: Passover, Rosh Hashanah and Chanukah.Whilst the scheme is not strictly means tested, a persons income, savings and expenditure are all taken into account when assessing eligibility. Also considered is the possibility of any private or family financial assistance and whether there are national welfare benefits from which a person might also benefit.

Through Self-Aid the AJR can also make one-off grants for exceptional expenses or circumstances as long as the cost is defined; for example, the payment of synagogue fees and TV licences as well as additional homecare. All requests are considered on a case by case basis.Where the amount required is a significant sum, interest-free loans can be arranged. In the event that the applicant is homeowner, the AJR may request that the loan is secured against the property.

The AJR is the partner organisation in the UK of The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (the Claims Conference) which works to secure compensation and restitution for survivors of the Holocaust and heirs of victims.Since 1951, the Claims Conference – working in partnership with the State of Israel – has negotiated for and distributed payments from Germany and Austria, as well as other governments and industry. It has also recovered unclaimed German Jewish property and funded programs to assist the neediest Jewish victims of Nazism.In Great Britain, the AJR receives and distributes (on behalf of an ad-hoc Umbrella Group committee) funds from allocated to survivors living in this country.Along with AJR the UK Umbrella Group agencies are Agudas Israel, Bikur Cholim, North London Bikur Cholim and Jewish Care.

The AJR administers the Homecare scheme on behalf of the UK Umbrella Group agencies. Financed by the German Government, the objective of the scheme is to assist clients to live in their homes for as long as possible.The Holocaust Survivor Emergency Fund allows for awards in the UK to pay for a number of services and needy items including dental treatment and specialist clothing as well as urgent house repairs, hearing aids and medical consultations. The Austrian Emergency Fundprovides financial assistance to Austrian Holocaust survivors with low incomes who require urgent medical attention or essential welfare services. Eligibility is restricted to Austrian Holocaust survivors and refugees (including spouses of Austrian nationals) who live on low incomes and who have limited capital holdings.

The AJR offers advice and assistance with claims for Holocaust era compensation and the restitution of appropriated assets. As well as guidance on enquiries about pensions, property and insurance policies, help is available with applications for lump sum reparations paid by individual governments or commissions.The AJR works closely with the UK Envoy for Post Holocaust Issues, Sir Eric Pickles, to raise awareness of outstanding restitution and compensation matters.

We are proud that alongside delivering guidance and advice, we have worked with the British government to ensure that certain compensation awards are exempt from income, capital gains and inheritance taxes and that lump sum compensations are disregarded when calculating entitlement to social security benefits.

We also worked closely with the British Bankers Association, which has developed guidelines on the refunding of bank charges applied to the remittance of Holocaust-era reparations and pensions.

Although the deadlines for many reparation schemes have expired it is still possible to apply to certain programmes.Please note that no responsibility can be taken for rejected or unsuccessful claims.

For More Details About BBA Guidelines Click Here

AJR is pleased to offer our members the option to order frozen kosher meals delivered to their homes as part of our commitment to enable our members to live with dignity, comfort and security in their own homes for as long as possible.

The winter menu is currently on offer (September to April) and includes a choice of six soups including chicken, barley and vegetables. Main course choices include roast chicken, fish pie and schnitzel. Deserts range from lockshen pudding to two diabetic options including apple strudel.

Meals on Wheels deliveries are made once a week on a Wednesday. Three-course meals prepared by Josepha White caterers are available, costing £7 plus a £1 delivery charge. The minimum order is for two meals. This service is only available to AJR members living in certain areas of north-west London.

For more information or to order a Meals on Wheels delivery please call 020 8385 3072 or email

Take a look at the complete menu.

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