A Virtual Celebration of AJR Volunteers

In a change from past AJR thank you events held annually at locations such as Manchester Jewish Museum and the House of Lords, this year our guests only had to travel to their kitchen table to join the 2020 AJR Celebration of Volunteers via Zoom.

The Rt Hon Lord Pickles Eric Pickles and Robert Rinder joined the event to thank both the volunteers and the AJR for their support. Lord Pickles spoke about the challenges he has faced managing his roles whilst in lockdown. Rob Rinder suggested that AJR change its name to FJR or MJR, Family or Mushpuchah of Jewish Refugees, as the care and support given to members is akin to what one would receive from family.

Fran Horwich, AJR Northern Volunteer Coordinator, read a moving poem she wrote expressing the value of a volunteers’ phone call to an AJR member. During the fun quiz compered by AJR Chief Executive Michael Newman it was discovered that three volunteers had 100 years volunteering for the AJR between them.

Andrew Kaufman, Chair of AJR, said, “This year my thank you is probably even more heartfelt than usual, as I am acutely aware of the additional support and care you have been giving our members during these challenging times. You have enabled us to maintain a critical lifeline with our members.”

The evening ended with the volunteer team offering a L’chaim to the volunteers as a thank you for their support and the hope that next year the drinks will be on AJR!