AJR Annual Lunch Hits the High Notes

This weekend The Association of Jewish Refugees welcomed members and their families to the September Serenade, an opportunity to meet up with old friends and enjoy a delicious lunch and top-class operatic entertainment.

In his welcome speech, AJR Chairman Andrew Kaufman described the event as “a highlight of the AJR’s calendar” before mentioning plans to mark the forthcoming 80th anniversaries of Kristallnacht and the creation of the Kindertransport in 2018.

Kaufman said “It is the AJR’s great honour to now be the leading benefactor in the fields of Holocaust education and memorialisation programmes and projects. We see this area of our work developing greatly in the future but we are equally not distracted from our primary task: to deliver transformative social and welfare services to our members.”

Formalities over, guests had plenty of time to enjoy lunch and the ‘September Serenade’ programme performed by Jonathan Fisher (Baritone), Glenys Groves (Soprano), Alexandra Naoumeno (Tenor/Piano) and Scilla Stewart (Mezzo/Piano). There was much laughter during ‘Habanera’ from Carmen, when Scilla roamed the audience to find possible ‘amours’, even sitting on one or two gentlemen’s knees. This was followed by Scilla and Glenys dancing with members of the audience during the finale.

The full gallery of photographs can be seen here https://www.ajr-summer-serenade.adamsoller.com/