My Story Celebrated in London

We celebrated the publication of our first My Story books from within the London community at an event held at The Jewish Museum in December 2018.

Through the My Story project AJR have been producing life story books of Holocaust survivors and refugees over the past year. This project has been undertaken by volunteers who interview clients on an audio device, transcribe and edit to produce a professional book illustrated with the client’s own photographs.

The ‘My Story’ books are written in the client’s own words and tell their story from childhood in Europe, through their escape from Nazi persecution, arrival in the UK and up to the present day. This project is a celebration of their lives, highlighting their achievements and contributions. AJR hopes that the books will contribute to future generations’ understanding of prejudice and persecution.

Nine Holocaust refugees and survivors who have participated in the My Story project were presented with copies of their books by AJR trustee Eleanor Angel. Eva Behar, Margarete Stern, Suzanne Lee, Tom Egri and others were all delighted to see their stories in print and attended along with their family and friends.

Margarete Stern’s grandson Yisroel Stanton said, “What is so special for me, is the fact that this book to some degree will keep my Grandmothers legacy going. She has so many life stories and there was always a fear that one day she would take all her stories with her. Now thanks to your time and effort we will always have something to keep with us.”

Eva Behar’s daughter Laura Kaye said, “Whatever has been captured in all these stories will filter out to the next generations one way or the other. One of mum’s books is circulating between a friend of hers, her old doctor and my old neighbour and then on to their catholic church where I am sure discussions will ensue.”

My Story project co-ordinator Debra Barnes said, “The potential reach of these My Story books is massive. We are currently working on another 12 books and have more planned for the near future. The next stage for the project is to publish these books on our website, the prospect of which is very exciting.”

Thanks to Adam Soller Photography for these pictures: