The AJR provides social and welfare services to Holocaust refugees and survivors in the United Kingdom. Our team of experienced social and care workers are dedicated to the daily needs of our members.As part of their nationwide programme of home visits, social care workers assess members’ needs and, where appropriate, eligibility for a number of financial support schemes, designed to enable members to continue to live with dignity, comfort and security in their own homes for as long as possible.

Volunteers are a vital resource to the AJR and help run a number of projects that greatly enhance the lives of our members while also gaining themselves from the many benefits that comes from volunteering. Individual befriending, supporting those with memory loss and teaching basic computer skills are just some of the ways that our volunteers work with us.

The AJR also operates a nationwide network of Regional Groups that offer our members a unique opportunity to socialise with friends of similar backgrounds. In addition to organising local meetings and outings, our outreach coordinators also arrange short holidays within the UK and ever-popular trips to Israel.