The AJR offers two types of grants: Catalyst Grants and Project Support Grants, each with a separate application form. Please consider carefully which type of grant is appropriate for the project you wish to propose before submitting an application.

The AJR reviews applications four times a year. The next deadlines for forthcoming applications are 15 March 2021, 15 June 2021, 15 September 2021 and 15 December 2021.

Application Process:
Applications must be made on behalf of a UK-based charitable organisation. Applications are not accepted from for-profit enterprises or individuals. After an application has been submitted, AJR may contact the primary applicant to clarify any points and/or to request additional information. All applications will then be considered by the AJR’s Trustees, who will assess the proposal based on its adherence to the AJR’s values and priorities; its likelihood of success; the scale of its impact; its engagement with the field; its sustainability and its financial picture.

Please note that it may take up to three months to be notified about the result of your application. For time sensitive proposals, please plan ahead. Successful applicants will receive a grant offer and conditions letter, which will set out the expectations relating to ongoing monitoring and consultation, grant instalments, evaluation and how the AJR’s support should be acknowledged.

What types of projects will AJR fund?
The AJR considers applications for projects relating to education, research and remembrance of the Holocaust and the events that led to it. The AJR welcomes project proposals which seek to link historical events to contemporary issues relating to refugees, antisemitism and genocide, however it generally does not consider proposals which only focus on the present day. The AJR prioritises projects which engage with the formal education sector, primarily for the benefit of teachers and their students. Other projects which are broadly educational in nature but whose target audience consists of adults or those outside of the formal education sector (eg. exhibitions, events, archives, etc.) will also be considered. The AJR particularly encourages applications which seek to make meaningful use of resources produced by the AJR such as the Refugee Voices video archive.

How long a period of time can grants extend for?
The AJR considers proposals for multi-year grants, generally of no more than three years in duration. Funds for the second and third years of such grants are not guaranteed. Recipients will be required to submit comprehensive reports at the specified milestones in order to satisfy the AJR that subsequent funds should be released.

Can a repeat application be submitted for a project funded by the AJR in previous years?
Generally, the AJR aims to encourage the sustainability of projects after the grant funding period has ended and therefore avoids long-term funding. However, in cases where renewing an existing grant may be the most effective route towards achieving the AJR’s own strategic aims, repeat applications will be considered.

What types of expenses will the AJR cover?
The AJR is willing to fund most categories of expenditure within a project’s budget. We recognise that certain types of projects may be more reliant on funding for general operating expenses and staff salaries to achieve their intended impact than others. However, the AJR expects grantees to be financially self-sufficient and we generally look more favourably on proposals in which only a small proportion of the project budget is for overheads.

Should evaluation be included in a grant application?
Evaluation is a critical component in the trajectory of a funded project and should not be viewed as merely a perfunctory add-on at its conclusion. Applicants are actively encouraged to build evaluation into their proposals, and in certain cases, the AJR may decide to conduct its own evaluations of grant-funded projects.

When will successful applicants receive funds?
Funds are released in instalments, dependant on successful completion of certain milestones as outlined in the grant offer and conditions letter.

Project Support Grants

Project Support Grants are available for exceptional projects requiring more than £10,000. This type of grant is for larger projects whose rationale is demonstrated by evidence and research, and those with ambitious scope and/or a significant multiplier effect.

As part of our efforts to support capacity building, sustainability and engagement with the wider field, the AJR will often augment our financial support with one-on- one expert consultation.